Waxhaw Child Custody Lawyer

Waxhaw Child Custody Attorney

Child custody battles can be very stressful events for all parties involved. The outcome of the child custody case can have a lasting effect on the lifestyles of everyone in the case. If you are going through a child custody case or are expecting to go through one in the future, it is important that you have the qualified help that you need. A Waxhaw child custody lawyer can be a very beneficial resource to have on your side during a child custody battle.

Best Waxhaw Child Custody Lawyer

Physical Custody vs. Legal Custody

There is a significant difference between legal custody and physical custody in a legal setting.

  • Physical custody is defined as your legal right to have the child under your physical care. Typically, this means that the parent has the right for the child to live with them.
  • Legal custody is defined as your legal right to make decisions for the child, such as their education, medical treatment, religious upbringing, and disciplinary actions.

It is not uncommon for North Carolina courts to award joint custody to parents. Under a joint custody agreement, both parents have physical custody. However, it is important to understand that a joint custody agreement does not necessarily give both parents equal custody. Typically, the parent whom the child lives with the most is considered the custodial parent and has the primary custody of the child. The other spouse has secondary physical custody.

For example, if the child lives with you 60% of the time and lives with your spouse the other 40% of the time, you would be considered the custodial parent, and your spouse would be the noncustodial parent. An experienced custody attorney in Waxhaw can help review your situation and advise you on the proper steps for you to follow regarding your specific case.

Considerations for Child Custody

There are several components to consider in a child custody case. Among the most important of these is the well-being of the child. The court will consider evidence relating to the parents’ ability to provide for the physical and emotional needs of the child, the stability of the home environment, the plans for the child, and the cooperation and parenting skills of both parents.

It is important to represent yourself well before the court and ensure that you demonstrate the ability to meet the child’s basic needs. Any signs of unstable or erratic behavior, conflict, substance abuse, or child neglect could be a significant detriment to your case. An experienced child custody lawyer can help you prepare for your custody case and understand how to navigate the complexities of the North Carolina legal system.

Family Law Attorney

A North Carolina family lawyer can be a very cost-effective way of ensuring that your legal needs are met and that you get the fair outcome you deserve for your case. Child custody cases can be very difficult to overturn. It is important that you have the right family lawyer on your side defending your interests.


Q: Are Custody Battles Stressful?

A: Custody battles can be very stressful events. Each child custody case can be different in its own way. Custody battles can drag out for years, or they could be resolved within a few months, depending on the specific details of the case. Another significant factor that will contribute to the stress of the custody battle is the cooperation of the divorcing spouses. Spouses who are struggling to work together in court could end up having a longer-than-normal child custody case.

Q: How Do You Stay Strong in a Custody Battle?

A: Staying strong in a custody battle requires mental toughness and patience. It also helps to be prepared for the court battle. A child custody attorney can be an excellent resource to use as you go through your family law case. It is important to keep the children out of the battle. Any negative talk of the child or even of the opposing spouse could cause the judge to have a negative outlook on your parenting behavior.

Q: What Should You Not Say During a Custody Battle?

A: There are several things that are not to be said during a custody battle. It is important that you do not lie during the custody case. Whatever you say in court or the information that you write down on the court forms must be true to your knowledge. Lying in a child custody case could ruin your credibility and, therefore, severely reduce your chances of winning custody. Also, you should not say negative things about your spouse during the court process.

Q: What Are the Factors for Child Custody in North Carolina?

A: The factors for child custody in North Carolina can include several things. Some of the most common factors are the parent’s living arrangement, their ability to care for and provide for the child’s well-being, and the child’s relationship with each parent. It is important to remember that, in every child custody case, the judge will award child custody to the parent who can meet the child’s needs the most. Child custody will always be decided based on the interest of the child.

Attorneys Who Can Fight for You

Child custody can be a very stressful process for all parties involved. The North Carolina state legal system can be complex and difficult to navigate without the help of an experienced family lawyer. The stresses and complexities of a child custody case can be reduced by engaging the right legal counsel. An experienced Waxhaw family lawyer can often be the difference in a successful case, whether it is child custody, child support, divorce or separation, alimony, or any other case related to family law.

The attorneys at Lehnhardt Price Family Law understand how to navigate the North Carolina legal system and can provide you with the help and guidance that you need. Allow our Waxhaw child custody and visitation law firm to serve you and aid in getting the fair and equitable resolution that you deserve. Contact our office today to see how our legal team can be of assistance to you.
