Monroe, NC Alienation of Affection Lawyer

Pursuing A Claim Against Third Parties To A North Carolina Divorce

North Carolina is one of the few states that still recognizes claims against third parties who have allegedly interfered with a marriage. This means if your spouse has had an affair that ruined what was otherwise a happy marriage, you may be able to sue the third party with whom your spouse cheated. These are often particularly complex cases, but the attorneys of Lehnhardt Price Family Law in Union County have successfully represented both plaintiffs and defendants in these types of cases.

monroe nc alienation of affection lawyer

What Is Alienation Of Affection Litigation?

In North Carolina law, infidelity can be considered somewhat similar to a tort like a car accident, in that you can sue for financial compensation. While confronting the person whose affair with your spouse led to the end of your marriage may feel like the last thing you want to do, many times getting divorced can significantly impact your financial future, along with your emotional well-being. An alienation of affection claim can help you restore yourself to the lifestyle you expected to enjoy during your marriage. It can also help you feel that the person who contributed to the end of your marriage is being held responsible for what they did. Similarly, a suit for criminal conversation is an action against your former spouse for cheating on you.

monroe nc alienation of affection attorney

Since we represent both plaintiffs and defendants in alienation of affection and criminal conversation actions, we understand how both sides think. We will stand up for your interests in court and help you make sure the next phase of your life is positive.

Talk To Our Monroe, NC Alienation of Affection Lawyers Today

To learn more about these cases or to schedule a consultation with an attorney, please reach out to Lehnhardt Price Family Law by calling 704-635-6278. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have or let you know about the legal strength of your case.

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